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From the Road

Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones of Happiness lead to the World Economic Forum

New York Times bestselling author and keynote speaker Dan Buettner seems to make even a grey day bright and sunny. A noted world traveler and National Geographic Fellow, Dan has discovered 5 places in the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives. From his famed TED talk on Happiness, Dan has amassed a huge following and his keynotes are a welcome addition to any corporate event. Here’s a recent talk at The World Economic Forum:

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New York Times bestselling author and keynote speaker Dan Buettner seems to make even a grey day bright and sunny. A noted world traveler and National Geographic Fellow, Dan has discovered 5 places in the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives. From his famed TED talk on Happiness, Dan has amassed a huge following and his keynotes are a welcome addition to any corporate event. Here’s a recent talk at The World Economic Forum:

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