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From the Road

Fast Company’s Bill Taylor will show your audiences how to transform your company, innovate, and disrupt.

He’s the founding editor of Fast Company Magazine and a bestselling author. Keynote speaker Bill Taylor will share ideas and practices that reshape how organizations compete, innovate and win—in good times and times of crisis. He’s a timely business speaker during the Pandemic.

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“He’s the founding editor of Fast Company Magazine and a bestselling author. Keynote speaker Bill Taylor will share ideas and practices that reshape how organizations compete, innovate and win—in good times and times of crisis. He’s a timely business speaker during the Pandemic.

Watch this talk on Strategy, Innovation, and Leadership in an age of Disruption and Uncertainty

Since starting Fast Company, Bill has written three books on creativity, leadership and change. His most recent book is Simply Brilliant: How Great Organizations Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways. The book offers a set of messages and a collection of Competition and Leadership case studies on how to unleash breakthrough innovation and cutting-edge performance in even the most traditional, hard-to-change fields.

Book Bill Taylor today to educate and inspire your team. Email us [email protected] or call us (310) 614-8653.”

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