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From the Road

Fortune Magazine features Zack Kass; AI expert making waves on the lecture circuit

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Zack Kass is the former Head of Open Market Strategy at Open AI – the wildly popular Chat Bot startup that’s currently valued at 90 Billion Dollars. In an interview this week with Fortune Magazine, Kass shares what so many are enjoying lately from his keynote speeches:
that AI is the most wonderful thing to ever happen in the Human experience and the fact that there is so much suffering in the world today that AI can profoundly cure.

You’ll see by Zack Kass’ energy surrounding his advocacy of Artificial Intelligence that the effects of AI will be life-changing. That AI will cure cancer. How AI Tutors will help global education profoundly. How concierge medicine is about to be an inexpensive staple in our society. And more from every industry.

Zack’s programs are 60-90 minutes long. Your audience will hear an inspiring keynote followed by a fireside chat onstage between Zack and one of your executives. And then the floor is opened up to the many audience questions.

Zack’s speaking calendar is almost fully committed for 2023; reach Rave Speakers today to check a calendar date for your next agenda [email protected]

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