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The Future of Work takes center stage at your meetings–and Rave Speakers has the experts who will help keep your best talent at YOUR company.

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Losing top employees to the competition? It’s an issue that’s taking companies across every industry sector by storm: How do we hire and RETAIN great talent?

The answer, as suggested by hugely popular Future of Work keynote speakers Susan Salgado and Steve Cadigan, is to develop a Company Culture that focuses on grooming your talent for their future success–and not simply their success while in your company’s employ.

Susan Salgado has a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from NYU’s Stern School of Business and she was named one of Fast Company’s100 Most Creative People in Business. But her 17 years in the foodservice industry alongside business partner and restaurant magnate Danny Meyer has taught her a few things about talent: Treat your people well and the customers will follow. That’s the standard Salgado used to design the People First culture at Shake Shack. It’s Happy Employees = Happy Customers.

The key today is to keep those employees happy so they don’t jump ship to the competition.

Steve Cadigan led the development of LinkedIn’s legendary company culture as their Vice President of Talent. He’s a career HR executive who’s worked in 6 different industries. He’s a Global Talent and Company Culture Strategist. Steve helps companies with issues of Creating a Great Business Culture and Maintaining Great Talent. LinkedIn built a culture where they gave a commitment to people’s growth. His latest book Workquake is a guide to creating a better model of work for the post COVID future

When you hire Susan Salgado or Steve Cadigan to address your Workforce issues, be prepared to discuss these points and more:

*Because of technology, Talent can see more opportunities available now than anytime in history. This is not a generational mindset–it affects all ages of employees–its a Macroeconomic shift.

*Technology is shifting, so skill needs are changing. To keep talent on board, companies need to prepare their team members to be more successful not just now, but in the future (even if that future is with another employer). Groom people for their future success.

*Companies need to design work differently because people are going to leave. You need to deliver growth experiences. Your employees put a premium on Learning and Growth and you need to respond. If your employees have more choices at your company with new projects, this should take precedence over another job with onsite spa and meal perks. You need to better understand the psychology of the workforce.

Call Rave Speakers today (310) 614-8653 to confirm Steve Cadigan or Susan Salgado to assist with your Culture Change to positively affect your talent. Or email us [email protected]

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